A message from the founder.

Hey everyone, Cory Sanna here!

I started in the building trades in 1988 as a hardware store clerk and cabinet maker. If you walked into our store back then I could sell you a bag of nails or a piece of lumber. If you came in with an idea for a custom cabinet or needed a stick of trim replicated, we would sit together and work out the fine details. I had found my passion. From that point on, I knew that making things and helping people solve problems is what made me happy.

Before long, I started my own company. I began with handyman work and then shifted to kitchen and bath renovations. As a contractor I found satisfaction in taking on a project that would breathe new life into a home. I would spend many weeks in a house working on a project and along the way, I would become part of the family that lived there. I would feel the way my work impacted their daily life. The excitement of demolition day, the drudgery of refitting, the dismay at all of the dust...I always did my best.

I noticed the way clients found workarounds to survive day-to-day life without access to the kitchen sink, counters and appliances they had come to rely on. Often, I would see bathrooms turned into kitchens with bottles of dish soap placed next to bar soap and shampoo and silverware, coffee cups and plates drying on toilet tank lids. I appreciated their perseverance! But I began to think there had to be a better way.

The idea that is now "TempKitCo" came into being long ago. I started setting up temporary kitchens for my clients in adjacent spaces whenever I could. Often they were a makeshift conglomeration of scrap plywood countertops sitting on 2x4 legs with milk crate shelving and cardboard box storage. It helped but without a sink, clean-up was still relegated to the bathroom. Home cooking was nonexistent and takeout containers would overflow the trash can. 

After 20 years of renovations I decided to step away from my tool belt to be a stay-at-home dad. I had a lot of time to consider my next next move. I finally had time to renovate my own house and living without a working kitchen really hit home. 

"TempKitCo" was born! I'm still solving problems and making folks happy. Life is good. I truly hope you enjoy your renovation project and I will rest easy knowing that the service we provide makes the process at least a little bit more bearable :)

Thanks for working with us,
